Parents are required to sign the School’s Dress Code, which is supported by Governing Council, parent groups and staff. This code is based on DECD guidelines and states that all children are required to wear school dress code unless parents exempt their child (see below). A school uniform creates a sense of community that helps with the feeling of belonging of all individuals. The uniform represents a commitment to the school values – Respect, Responsibility, Creativity and Achievement that underpin teaching and learning at Belair Primary School. Wearing school uniform on school excursions helps staff and volunteers identify Belair Primary School students quickly and easily. The school colours are sky blue, navy blue. Children are expected to wear clothes in these colours at all times. Hats are required in term 1, 3 and 4. As recommended by the Anti-Cancer Foundation, there are two styles of hats available to purchase; wide brim and bucket style. Comfortable well fitting shoes or sandals are to be worn. A uniform price list and sizing kit is located at the front office for parents to check sizes. Orders can be placed online via Sparton School World https://www.spartanschoolworld.com.au/collections/belair-primary-school. Orders are delivered to the school and distributed to the student’s classroom. Non-acceptable items include jeans, thongs, singlet tops, baseball caps, clothing with commercialised logos and any clothing considered a fashion item. The wearing of jewellery is limited to ear studs / sleepers and chains and religious jewellery (worn beneath clothing if possible).
Principals may exempt students from compliance with the Dress Code upon written request from the parent. Grounds on which parents may seek exemption are:
• religious
• cultural or ethnic
• new students (time to purchase, wear previous uniform)
• itinerant students
• financial hardship
• genuine emergency medical or family sickness reasons