Belair has been involved in competition debating for over ten years. All Middle School students participate in a debating information session at the beginning of the year. Students gain an understanding of a variety of things such as:
- what is a debate
- affirmative/negative sides
- roles within the team
- structure of a debate
At the end of this, students can apply to join the debating team. Belair debaters gain confidence in public speaking, enhance their logical and lateral thinking skills, gain insight into varied views, and enjoy social interaction with other like-minded students. Belair’s team is part of Debating SA’s inter-school competition. These debates are held during terms two and three each year at Pulteney Grammar School. Competitions are zoned and students compete after school hours against teams from other schools. Debaters also participate in training workshops and may also have the opportunity to attend Senior Grand Finals during term three.

Student Representative Council Executive
The Student Representative Council (SRC) consists of six year 6 students who have been selected by their peers in conjunction with the leadership team to represent the Belair Primary School cohort. The Student Representative Council is always keen to hear ideas and receive feedback from students to help make Belair Primary School a better learning environment. The Student Representative Council has two presidents and an executive team. They meet weekly to set agendas for school wide class meetings and action and respond to feedback or suggestions from classes. Additional tasks include: representing Belair Primary School at partnership SRC meetings and community events, welcoming guests to the school, supporting parent tours, speaking at assembly, assisting with the running of class meetings, organising fundraisers and hosting school events (i.e. Remembrance Day service and Year 6 Farewell Assembly).
Tournament of Minds
Tournament of Minds is an Australian wide problem solving program for teams of students from both primary and secondary years. Teams are required to solve demanding challenges demonstrating their solutions in exciting, creative, vibrant and public ways. Tournament of Minds is an opportunity for students to work collaboratively from one of the following disciplines:
- Language Literature
- Social Science
- The Arts
More information is available on their website