Our School Canteen is open 5 days a week for the purchase of recess and lunch. The Canteen is operated by a paid Manager who is assisted by parent/grandparent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, your help is always greatly appreciated. The Canteen encourages healthy eating by selling a large variety of food and drinks which conform to the “Rite Bite Criteria”. Students can view our menu and order their lunch through our online order system Flexischools. Go to www.flexischools.com.au to register. Students can also purchase drinks and snacks form the Canteen at recess and lunch times. Parents who are able to assist in the canteen are asked to contact the Front Office. Students are discouraged from having large amounts of money to spend at the canteen. Canteen rosters are published in our Newsletters and these may be viewed from the Newsletters page. To view our latest menu and prices, please visit Flexischools.

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Latest Canteen Menu

View sample of our latest menu