Classroom Programs This includes listening to reading, working with small groups, attending excursions and sharing expertise in an area. Please make contact with the classroom teacher if you would like to volunteer your time. Class Parent Representatives Each class has a volunteer parent/parents who liaise with the class teacher in order to support class activities, establish links with teacher and parents, involve parents in class activities and make new parents feel welcome. Parents are encouraged to assist the Class Parent Representative in their role. Other activities These include assisting in the Library, Canteen, grounds maintenance and helping with after school sporting teams. School Parent Association The Parent Association is a group that most capably support school programs. They meet twice a term, once during the day and once in the evening. The aims of the Parent Association are to participate in the life of the school and to raise funds for the purchase of essential resources, equipment etc. Parent Association representatives support the school in many other ways including facilitating parent information evenings and transition sessions, managing lost property, coordinating parent networkers and welcoming new families to the community. Participating in this group is an ideal way for new parents to become involved in the school community. Anyone wishing to be a committee member, or attend meetings, may call the office on 8370 3733. Governing Council is responsible for setting the broad direction and vision for the school, strategic planning, determining policies and financial monitoring. Governing Council The Governing Council also has a role in ascertaining community needs and perception of the School and providing advise to the Principal. Governing Council members nominate to be on one of the sub-committees of Governing Council: Finance, Sports, Education, Canteen and Out Of School Hours Care. Throughout the year there are many volunteers assisting with the learning programs in all classes, extra-curricular activities, canteen and sporting teams. We greatly appreciate volunteer support and value the enrichment that is added due to their involvement. To ensure the safety of students The Department for Education requires all volunteers to apply to the school and complete two online courses before commencing volunteer work. Most volunteers will need to have a current Working With Children Check from the Department for Human Services. Generally parents and guardians will not require DHS relevant history screening if they are volunteering in connection with an activity which involves their own child. Further details as well as the volunteer application form can be found using the link below. Click here to view our Volunteer Policy.